Tomba Pierini

In the locality of Campiglia dei Foci, a hamlet of Colle di Val D'Elsa, about 4 km west of the town, there came news of the discovery of a single chambered tomb already previously violated in the second half of the last century.
In 1984, quite by chance, an ancient Etruscan tomb known as 'Tomba Pierini', taking its name from the proprietor of the land on which it was discovered, came to light in the garden at the front of the house.
Two display cases now hold the restored material in room number 4 on the first floor of the Museum.
The most interesting aspects of this burial place are that it dates back to the Archaic period, and the entirety of its rich fund of artefacts is unique in Val D'Elsa. It is well worth noting the Etrusco-Corinthian oil jars and the double donation vessel.

Some photos

Place:First floor

